29 July, 2008

[Scala] 2 not problem

3 not problem@ヒビルテ経由で知ったパズル。
3 not problem@パラメトロン計算機、参照の事。

 最初はお約束としてNodeのcase classとしてAnd, Orとか作ってevalをパターンマッチとかで書いていたんだけど、それだと答えが出るのに30分ぐらい必要だったので、出力の組み合わせ8通りをList[Boolean]で持たせてみた結果、5分ぐらいで答えが出る様になった。多分、8bitなのでIntで表現すればもっと速くなるはずだが。

// Brute-force Solver for "The 2-NOTs problem"
// "Synthesize a black box which computes NOT-X, NOT-Y, and NOT-Z from X, Y, and Z,
// using an arbitrary number of ANDs and ORs, but only 2 NOTs."
// See http://www.inwap.com/pdp10/hbaker/hakmem/boolean.html#item19
object TwoNots {
// Possible combination of (X,Y,Z)
val input:List[(Boolean,Boolean,Boolean)] =
for(x <- List(false, true);
y <- List(false, true);
z <- List(false, true)) yield (x,y,z)
// Node : input=(X:Boolean, Y:Boolean, Z:Boolean) => output:Boolean
// output : Node value for "input"
// desc : Description
case class Node(val output:List[Boolean], val desc:String) {
override def toString():String = desc
def ===(that:Any) = that match {
case Node(o, _) => output==o
case _ => false
def =/=(that:Any) = !(this === that)
def unary_~ :Node = Node(output.map{b:Boolean => !b}, "~["+this.desc+"]")
def zipWithF(that:Node, f:(Boolean,Boolean)=>Boolean):List[Boolean] = (output zip that.output).map{t => f(t._1, t._2)}
def *(that:Node):Node = Node(zipWithF(that, (_ && _)), this.desc + that.desc)
def +(that:Node):Node = Node(zipWithF(that, (_ || _)), "("+this.desc +"+"+ that.desc+")")
def memberOf_?(ns:List[Node]):Boolean = ns.exists(_ === this)
def const_?():Boolean = (this === TrueNode) || (this === FalseNode)
val TrueNode:Node = Node(input.map{in => true}, "T")
val FalseNode:Node = Node(input.map{in => false}, "F")
val X:Node = Node(input.map{in => in._1}, "X")
val Y:Node = Node(input.map{in => in._2}, "Y")
val Z:Node = Node(input.map{in => in._3}, "Z")
val notX:Node = Node((~X).output, "~X")
val notY:Node = Node((~Y).output, "~Y")
val notZ:Node = Node((~Z).output, "~Z")
val XYZ:Node = Node((X*Y*Z).output, "XYZ")
val X_Y_Z:Node = Node((X+Y+Z).output, "(X+Y+Z)")
val XY_YZ_ZX:Node = Node((X*Y+Y*Z+Z*X).output, "(XY+YZ+ZX)")

def append(ns:List[Node], n:Node):List[Node] = if (n.memberOf_?(ns) || n.const_?()) ns else n::ns
def append(ns:List[Node], xs:List[Node]):List[Node] = xs.foldLeft(ns){(as:List[Node], b:Node) => append(as,b)}
// Fixed point of f1,f2,... in fs
def fixedPoint(ns:List[Node], fs:List[List[Node] => List[Node]]):List[Node] = {
val ns1 = fs.foldLeft(ns){(as:List[Node], f:List[Node] => List[Node]) => append(as, f(as))}
if (ns1.length==ns.length) ns else fixedPoint(ns1, fs)
def spanAnd(nodes:List[Node]):List[Node] = for(na <- nodes; nb <- nodes if (na =/= nb)) yield (na * nb)
def spanOr(nodes:List[Node]):List[Node] = for(na <- nodes; nb <- nodes if (na =/= nb)) yield (na + nb)
def spanWithAndOr(nodes:List[Node]):List[Node] = fixedPoint(nodes, List(spanAnd, spanOr))
def chooseNodeForNot(nodes:List[Node]):List[List[Node]] = for(n <- nodes) yield append(nodes, ~n)
def satisfy_?(nodes:List[Node]):Boolean = notX.memberOf_?(nodes) && notY.memberOf_?(nodes) && notZ.memberOf_?(nodes)
// Solving tactics:
// (1) Start with initial nodes ( = initialNodes)
// (2) Take any two nodes from initial nodes, and make AND and OR of them to add to lists. Repeat this procedure so that
// all possible combinations have been added. ( = spanWithAndOr(...) = n0)
// n0 contains no NOTs.
// (3) Choose one node from n0, and add NOT of the chosen node to n0. Span the nodes list with ANDs and ORs. ( = n1)
// n1 contains one NOT.
// (4) Do same as above to obtain node list "n2", which contains two NOTs. If the n2 contains all of ~X, ~Y, and ~Z,
// the n2 is a solution.
def solve(initialNodes:List[Node]):List[(List[Node],List[Node],List[Node])] = {
val n0 = spanWithAndOr(initialNodes)
for(n1 <- chooseNodeForNot(n0).map{ns:List[Node] => spanWithAndOr(ns)};
n2 <- chooseNodeForNot(n1).map{ns:List[Node] => spanWithAndOr(ns)} if satisfy_?(n2)) yield
(n2.filter(_ === notX), n2.filter(_ === notY), n2.filter(_ === notZ))
def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = {
println("----"+(new java.util.Date()))
// In principle, we can solve with initial=List(X,Y,Z), however, the answer becomes quite
// ugly because X+Y+Z might be expressed as (X+Y)+Z. In order to see answers expressed in
// a symmetric way, some nodes such as XYZ, XY+YZ+ZX, and X+Y+Z are added to initial nodes.
val initial:List[Node] = List(XYZ, XY_YZ_ZX, X_Y_Z, X, Y, Z)
// val initial:List[Node] = List(X, Y, Z)
for(answer <- solve(initial)) {
println("~X = "+answer._1)
println("~Y = "+answer._2)
println("~Z = "+answer._3)
println("----"+(new java.util.Date()))

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